Installing Ubuntu on a SD Card…

Tharushi Chamalsha
3 min readOct 22, 2020

Linux is an open source operating system which uses small space to store and it could be customize as well. So in this chapter we will learn to install an operating system to a SD card. Most probably this task is done in order to use an arduino board.

Basically to install Ubuntu on SD card you should have a SD card that is at least 2GB and SD card reader with you.

Step 1:Download the image file of latest Linux version.

Following link will help you to find the latest version of OS.

Then extract the file.

Step 2: Format your SD card

Now we have to format our SD card to FAT32.

In Linux first you have to install the Gparted program on your system from Ubuntu software center. Or you can use following command on the terminal to install Gparted.

# sudo apt-get install Gparted

Then open the Gparted software and enter the root password.

When the Gparted started you have to select the device you want to format.

Then unmount it from the system by right clicking on the device.

After unmount right click again and choose what filesystem type you want to format your drive.

Click the ‘tick’ sign and apply the changes.

Click ‘apply’ and wait until it finish.

Step 3: Write the image to your SD-card

In Linux and Mac you can use the “dd” command. But be careful that you choose the right disk, so that you don’t overwrite your own hard drive.

# sudo dd bs=4M if=(image name) of=(device name) conv=fsync

For further knowledge you can use the following link to find the way to coping image to SD card.

Now you are all done and you can use your SD card as a operating system.

